
Nigheanan Mora

Original price was: $9.75.Current price is: $7.80.

SKU: 9781908737960 Categories: , ,


Tha iad og is lan spors, nigheanan oga sa bhaile mhoir cho toilichte ‘s a ghabhas – ach is e clach-mhile a th’ ann an tricheadamh cola-breith. Is nuair a dh’iarras Graeme air Jo a bana-chairdean fhagail airson fuireach comhla ris-san, feumaidh Bell agus Anna rudeigin a dheanamh airson stad a chur oirre. Bell, Anna and Jo have been having a whale of a time together since they left university, but when Jo announces that she’s moving in with her boyfriend life takes quite a jolt. Desperate measures are called for if Bell and Anna want to put a stop to this – or maybe they all need to grow up and behave better. Catriona Lexy Campbell’s comedy of dating, matchmaking and relationship sabotage tackles the genuine challenges of friendship and adult responsibility with a combination of sensitivity and mischief. Anyone who never wanted to grow up, or still hasn’t, will recognise themselves in her lively cast of characters.


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