Id be hunted there, for the greed of this nation and they wont even give me a place to hide here… but yes, tell me about home, why not? How is home?Rebin, an Iraqi-Kurd with no safe passage home, has been stuck in the UK immigration system for almost a decade, which has given him plenty of time to get into a routine.Work. The local hand carwash, under the nurturing eye of the manager, Destan, an Iranian-Kurd and the discerning eye of the owner- Shapur, a proud Persian. Play. Online gaming with friend Noah, a truck driver and loyal customer of the carwash. Though maybe not so loyal on the virtual battlefield.Indefinite Leave to Remain. Gorkem: new worker at the carwash, and fresh off the boat. A Turkish-Kurd who claims to be the grandson Apo Ocalan Kurdish freedom fighter and current political prisoner.When boss Shapur proposes using the struggling business as a front for a human trafficking enterprise by smuggling immigrants into the country in the boots of the carwash clients cars, Rebins routine is about to be shattered. Indefinitely.This edition was published to coincide with the world premiere at Park Theatre in September 2024.
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